Kidderminster Historical Society Talks
You can download our latest programme of talks as a PDF file by clicking:
5th April 2017
The last meeting of the season coincided with the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the Society - to the exact day. In addition to the evening's talk by Tim Bridges on 'Looking at Worcester Buildings' the members also celebrated the event with nibbles and a toast to two.

Chairman Sally Dickson raises a toast to the Anniversary with speaker Tim Bridges

Tim Bridges toasts the evening with Society members
29th March 2017

Members of the Society awaiting Alf Jenkins' talk about his experiences of life on Clee Hill during the 1940s and 50s. The title of this fascinating, evocative and elegantly expressed talk was: 'Wagons to Wheel Biers'.
22nd March 2017
During preparations for the Society's publication 'Kidderminster and District in the Second World War' Bob Millward and other society members recorded interviews of a number local inhabitants which featured what they could remember about Kidderminster during the war.
On this evening Bob presented selected audio passages taken from those recordings and presented them in the context of those troubled times.
This photograph is of Margaret Phelan (née Pugh) who spoke eloquently about her experiences as a school girl who in her spare time worked on farms 'singling beet' or used a lathe to refurbish badly made bullets in Tomkinson's factory which had been turned over to munitions work.

8th March 2017

Ian Dury shows us the Stourbridge 'Portland Vase' after explaining the history of the glass Roman Portland Vase and the rationale and techniques involved in making a copy at Stourbridge in 2012
1st March 2017
This photograph shows some of the equipment brought along by Jason O'Keefe when he spoke to us on 1st March 2017 about Medieval Archery.

30th November 2016

Julia Lowe and colleagues introduced the Society to 'Music and Dances from the Tudor Court'. Members' participation was compulsory - almost.